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Safety quality control

1. 1. Enhancement of safety management

Confirmation, thorough dissemination, and operation of safety and quality control system

Sharing information and enhancing communication

①Safe construction cycle establishment <Promotion of basic matters>

1) Daily: Morning assembly, site KY, site patrol guidance, weekly: weekly meetings, etc.

2) Monthly: Enhancement of safety and health council, comprehensive inspection of safety equipment, etc.

Strengthen practical check guidance through safety patrols

Thorough preventive measures (prevention of accident recurrence and weathering)

Development of 5S "organization, tidying, cleaning, cleanliness, discipline"

2. 2. Thorough compliance

Implementation of legal compliance training

Early resolution of legal complaints, etc.

3. 3. Improvement of safety and quality by observing basics

3.1 Promotion of occupational safety measures

<Working on issues through teamwork, each person making the best effort>

Enhancement of construction plan

Collection and utilization of hiyari hats

Thorough accident prevention measures <Thorough basics>

① Thorough measures to prevent falls

② Thorough countermeasures against heavy machinery disasters (mobile cranes, hole construction vehicles, aerial work platforms)

Thorough measures to prevent traffic accidents

3.2 Quality improvement

Thorough measures to prevent equipment accidents <Thorough basics>

High quality equipment construction

Promotion of customer satisfaction improvement activities

4. Enhancement of education and training (multi-skilling, strengthening specialized skills, acquiring qualifications)

Training at the time of new admission

Implementation of risk prediction training

Implementation of customer satisfaction improvement training

5. Enhancement of health management

Implementation of health checkups and self-health check measures

Properly carry out health checks of workers and practice proper placement

* External links / reference materials

Workplace safety site [Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare]
Related materials and teaching materials such as risk assessment [Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare]

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